Mild cases of endometriosis may cause no noticeable symptoms, and some women may not realize they have the condition until they find they have difficulty becoming pregnant. In other women, symptoms can include:
- pelvic pain
- severe cramping during or before menstruation
- low back pain during or before menstruation
- abnormal periods including spotting between periods
- painful intercourse or vaginal bleeding following intercourse
- unusual pain during bowel movements
- blood in the urine or bowels
- infertility
In many women, symptoms become worse during their periods.
The severity of endometriosis pain is often may not be a reliable indicator of the extent of your condition. Mild cases may produce intense pain for some, while advanced endometriosis may produce no pain at all for others.
Other diseases that are sometimes mistaken for endometriosis include pelvic inflammatory disease, ovarian cysts, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). IBS and endometriosis may occur simultaneously, making diagnosis of either more complicated.